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A Letter From Our Co-Founder

Hello Friends of the Cherry Creek Theatre,

The social unrest that our society has been experiencing for the past several days is not something new. It has been festering for years. Racial inequality, prejudices of all kinds, and many other forms of institutional biases have been apart of our society for eons. I believe we all want to help bring about a peaceful world, but the question often asked is “What can individual can do to help bring about the peace and understanding we all desire?”

As part of my spiritual and religious belief system, I am committed to helping bring about the oneness of humanity. As such, below are viable answers to this question.

Mark Rossman, Co-Founder
Cherry Creek Theatre

Things We Can Do Now to Promote Equality in Our Community

When it comes to promoting equality, there isn't just one right way to make a difference, there are many. The most important thing you can do is to find some way to act, right now, right where you are. Here are several ideas to get you started.

Be Aware of Our Own Prejudices

We all have biases and prejudices because we have all been exposed to racist images, ideas, etc. It is important to be aware of our own prejudices so we can choose new thought patterns and actions.

Be a Healing Presence

If someone you know has experienced racism, try not to explain away their experience. Instead listen with an open heart. Healing begins when others care enough to hear somebody else’s pain.

Educate Ourselves

We all need to expand our world view to better understand this difficult and persistent problem.

Be a Witness

If you ever see a person in a position of power mistreating someone, stay and be a witness. You have a right to film law enforcement or other officials if necessary. The ACLU and other organizations have apps to help you do so.

Talk with Children and Youth about Equality

Children are getting prejudiced messages from all around them. We need to openly talk about promoting equality with the children in our lives, so they learn the values of fairness and equality.

Tutor an English Learner

Helping someone learn English communicates the powerful message that you value and care about the other person. This is also a great way of expanding your own perspective and understanding the inequalities immigrants face.

Speak Up

When We Hear Something Hurtful It’s always hard to know the right thing to say in the moment, but all we need is the courage to say, “That doesn’t seem right” and start the conversation.

Tell Elected Officials We Care

Email or pick up the phone to let those who make decisions for our community and nation know that we care about racial justice and are paying attention to their action or inaction.

Find Your Own Ways to Speak Up and Actively Promote Equality

Look for opportunities to speak out to promote equality in everything you do. It is going to take all of us working together to ensure our community is a place where everyone is truly welcomed and affirmed.

Invite and Hear Other Voices and Perspectives

Look for underrepresented voices in your work and community life. Ask who isn’t at the table and figure out how to get them there.

Use the Arts to Promote Equality

Write, paint, or dance to help promote equality. Join or start a peace and justice choir or theater group.

Expose Children (& Adults) to other Cultures

Attend festivals, art events, or watch films about people from other cultures or ethnic backgrounds.

Be a Good Neighbor to People of All Backgrounds

Everyday acts that are kind and respectful help to build good will across all kinds of differences.

Don’t Be Afraid to Make Mistakes

We will all stumble in this work. It is far more important to speak up and act imperfectly, than to do nothing and reinforce a hurtful and deadly system of hate.

Make Everyday Connections with People of Other Ethnic Backgrounds

Shyness around people with different backgrounds can come across as indifference or worse. A warm smile and greeting communicates respect and genuine welcome.

Become Active in an Organizations Promoting Equality

Join a local chapter of the NAACP, SURJ (Showing up for Racial Justice), Black Lives Matter, or other anti-racist organizations. Or, start a chapter!

Headshot Image for Mark Rossman

Mark Rossman

Co-Founder & Chair

Mark Rossman co-founded the Cherry Creek Theatre with his wife, Maxine, in 2010 and serves as the Chair of its Board of Directors. He is also founding President of Theatre…

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