Posted November 1, 2021
Will you join us as a supporter this Colorado Gives Day?

The Curtain Rises
We couldn’t be happier to be back on stage this year with three fully mounted productions for you after 500+ dark days.

Growth & Leadership
We celebrated co-founders Maxine & Mark Rossman’s 10 years of service, launched a rebrand and are hiring our first-ever executive director to lead Cherry Creek Theatre into the next decade.

Expanded season
We crafted free and low-cost at-home experiences for you—concerts & cabarets, an immersive postal experience, and a reading of Jeffrey Neuman’s Eugene O’Neill Award-winning play, The Headliners.

Education & Community
We debuted and awarded our inaugural Rossman Theatre Scholarship to Asheala Tasker who job shadowed during two 2021 productions, and we partnered with community organizations like the Children’s Diabetes Foundation.

Critical Acclaim
“Cherry Creek Theatre has a way with breathing new life into older works, reminding their audiences that some stories are timeless.” — BroadwayWorld
Colorado Gives Day • December 7
Will you join us as a supporter of Cherry Creek Theatre?