Patrick Elkins-Zeglarski’s ongoing collaboration with Melissa Lucero McCarl and her works is the most current of his work within the fields of dramaturgy and direction. He is delighted (and humbled) to continue their collaboration with Heartbeat of the Sun. Patrick’s work has long been informed by his interest in the duality of arts-integrated curriculum and cognitive/creative response. Continually drawn toward active engagement with ideas and institutions based on inquiry and curiosity, Patrick’s facilitation of immersive arts-based learning residencies includes preK-12 classrooms, universities, theatre companies, museums, and social service organizations. Directing credits include productions for And Toto, Too Theatre Company, Denver Center for the Performing Arts Education and Community Engagement, GeVa Theatre, Harbor Theatrical Group, Mizel Center, Modern Muse Theatre, Sacramento City Actor’s Theatre, Sacramento Theatre Company and several universities and community colleges nationwide.