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Fundraiser this weekend for the Jewish community

On behalf of the staff and board of Cherry Creek Theatre, and the cast and crew of My Name is Asher Lev, we are writing to express our deepest sympathies for the victims, survivors, and their families affected by the shocking anti-Semitic attack in the Tree of Life Synagogue last week. We believe that no one should live in fear or be attacked for how they worship, who they love, the color of their skin, their gender, sex, nationality, disability, or politics.

We believe love is stronger than hate.

And we stand with our Jewish brothers and sisters by raising funds to support Pittsburgh’s Jewish community and combat anti-Semitism. At every performance of Asher Lev this weekend, we will accept donations from the audience, and together with 50% of every ticket sold for the Sunday, November 4, evening performance, we will make a joint contribution to benefit the Anti-Defamation League.

You can purchase discounted tickets to this weekend’s performances with promo code TOGETHER. Follow this link, or call the box office at 303-800-6578 for $20 tickets all weekend. If you have a season ticket and have not yet reserved, please email info@cherrycreektheatre.org, or call Susie at 303-800-6578.

In peace,
Cherry Creek Theatre Company